The newest and the biggest poker club from Romania invites you in Bucharest, at some quality cash game sessions and not only!
The plane tickets to Bucharest are affordable in this period, the same for the accommodation, the prices may vary from €40 to €115, depending on the star.
Between 20-24 april you will find at GPC:
Super Sunday
We reward the high hands, the minimum qualification being changed, as in the bellow table. We will give away over €7.000 in prizes in the 3rd edition of this monthly event. In case if a reward is not given, it will be added to the next prize till the last one.
4 Daily Lucky Ace Draws
For every hour spent at our tables, or for every 5 RON tipped to one of the members of our staff you will receive a ticket for this promotion.
You can win up to 2000 RON, drawing the Lucky Aces, as bellow:
8:00/11:00 PM - 250/500/1000RON
2:00/5:00 AM - 500/1000/2000RON
A poker tour with €80.000 guaranteed with €100 buy-in
Big Cash Back only for the €1/2, €2/5, €5/10 tables
You are also welcomed at our regular cash tables with 1/2, 2/5 RON whenever you can, in case if you can't arrive in this period.
More info about our schedule can be found on Let's Poker app, available on IOS and Android.